In case you have not received your paper or essay on time, or the writer has failed to submit it, please inform us immediately and remember to include the order number. Human Essay Writer will follow up on why you have not received the paper, and in case this does not help (the paper is not sent to you or the submission deadline has passed), we will issue a full refund. However, we guarantee 100% that you will get your paper on time.
What if I want to cancel your order?
We will deduct $20 of the total order amount to cater for an administrative fee if you decide to cancel an order that has already been paid. This can only happen if you cancel the order immediately if the writer has not started working on it. However, you do not need to cancel in case you want to change order instructions; you can inform us or upload additional details in your client area or send them to our email. You can read our Terms and Conditions for more information.
What if I made a double payment?
In case of double payments, we can issue a refund on one order or maybe reserve the payment so that you can use it in the next payment. So, do not panic, you will get your money back.
But what if I don’t like the kind of essay or paper I have been given?
We will issue a refund if you genuinely do not like the essay or the paper that has been delivered and the writer is unable to provide the kind of quality which you want even after revisions.
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